
A regular Night

Legacy is on every Friday night at 8:15pm to 10pm. This is where young people aged 11-18 come to do many activities which are fully inclusive, and applicable to the age range which include, pizza night, Messy Night, volleyball, rounders, football and fondue nights. we also enjoy an end of year BBQ where there is burgers, smores and and games. It is truly enjoyed by everyone.


We pray at Legacy that our youth will trust in the saving, lasting, eternal Legacy of our Lord Jesus Christ and build a legacy of trusting him in their own lives. 


Legacy has had some fantastic speakers both guest and from our own membership speakers with some really exciting nights planned. Our main themes have been The Journey of Faith and I Surrender. These included An overview of the Bible, Embrace of the Father, Who is the Author of the Bible, Facing the future with certainty, Christ and the Cosmos, The Name of God and the Love of God. Testimonies, mission overviews and panel nights are among the best attended in the year where our young people ask us questions they want answers to. 

Trips Away

These are some of the highlights of our year which include a weekend away to Castlewellen Newcastle, in which 25 young people and 7 leaders attend where we have a speaker, games, kayaking and attended Newcastle Baptist’s Sunday Morning Service. Other trips include a Christmas outing to Dundonald Ice-bowl and Lagan Valley Leisure Centre where 29 young people and 7 leaders attended.

For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure

Philippians 2:13